Source: Shin-Etsu.
Elmet nasal parts Shin-Etsu
Nasal mask parts will be moulded at Shin-Etsu's LSR conference in Ohio in October. Speakers include representatives from Arburg, Elmet, GSDI, Albright Technologies and SIGMA Plastic Services.
In advance of the ACS Rubber Expo in Cleveland, Ohio on October 8, 2013, Shin-Etsu Silicones of America (SESA), a US subsidiary of Shin-Etsu Chemical of Japan, will be opening its LIMS (Liquid Injection Molding System) Technical Centre in Akron, Ohio, on Monday, October 7. The objective of the open-house event is to provide an integrated platform to showcase the new facility that recently premiered under the leadership of Shin-Etsu’s LIMS process engineer Craig Lustek.
The event will feature keynote technical presentations on LSR advancements from Shin-Etsu Silicones and a world class line-up of material and equipment suppliers including: Arburg, GSDI, Elmet North America, Albright Technologies, and SIGMA Plastic Services. Notably, the new facility will be utilised by featuring a LIMS demonstration featuring equipment and materials from presenting suppliers including: Arburg (injection moulding machine), Elmet (four-cavity mould and dosing System), GSDI colour silicone dispersion, and Shin-Etsu’s LIMS liquid silicone rubber.
The following keynote presentations are scheduled to run in order during Shin-Etsu’s open-house exposition.
Eric Bishop, North America Marketing Manager, Shin-Etsu Silicones of America, Liquid Silicone Rubber Properties, Applications, and Innovations.
Karen Schwalbach, Industry Senior Specialist, GSDI, Troubleshooting the Most Common Issues Associated with Adding colour to Your New LSR Project.
Marko Koellmer, Area Manager, Sales and Engineering, Arburg, Multi-component Silicone Moulding, Employing Integrated Robotics for Automatic Parts Retrieval.
Ryan Cutler, Technical Sales / Operations Manager, Elmet North America, Technical Developments in Fully Automatic LSR Moulds and Dosing Systems.
Matt Bont, Senior Project Engineer, Albright Technologies, Alternative Methods of Prototyping Liquid Silicone Parts: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Application of Each Method.
Matt Proske, vice president, SIGMA Plastic Services, Critical Aspects of Quality Manufacturing for LIMS. Evaluating Material Behaviour, Part and Mould Design, and Injection Process Before Building the Mould.
At the epicentre of the Shin-Etsu LIMS Technical Center’s resources is a 110 tonne, all-electric horizontal liquid injection moulding press from Arburg. Lustek will feature the press during the moulding demonstration that will utilise a four-cavity naval mask with robotic demould.