New web platform aims to improve the supply chain for healthcare manufacturers

A new platform has been launched for supplier companies to register their availability and capability to assist in meeting the supply chain needs of the UK’s healthcare manufacturers. launches at a time when clinical need in the UK and around the world is arguably at an all-time high. With massive demand on manufacturers and the supply chain, sourcing essential medical supplies and equipment is more difficult than ever. The website will match up companies that are ready placed to help one another.

The UK frontline in the coronavirus pandemic is in need of everything from critical care equipment to personal protective equipment, and everything in between.

The manufacturing community has moved quickly to address the crisis but there are many companies with skills, products and services specific to the highly regulated healthcare manufacturing industry that are not being engaged because they don’t have a platform from which to be heard.

Healthcare manufacturers can register to make known any supply chain need they may have. This will help reinforce their existing supply chain and potentially help increase manufacturing capability.

Providers can use the forum to announce any shortfall in essential supplies or equipment. This will mean their needs can be addressed quickly by manufacturers with the expertise, certification and regulatory know-how, along with their established supply chain.

Colin Martin, the founder of HealthCare Engineering Facilitator, said: “This new, unique platform will galvanise relevant parties and exploit the untapped expertise that we have in the UK manufacturing and supply chain communities.

"Together, the voice of the industry will be much louder, urgent needs will be met faster and lives will be saved. This is relevant right now of course, but also, in the mid to long term, I think we will see a big shift towards a more robust domestic healthcare manufacturing industry, so that it’s better placed to serve domestic needs.”

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