Amada Weld Tech expands range of galvo scanning heads

Amada Weld Tech, a manufacturer of equipment and systems for welding, marking, cutting, sealing, and bonding, announces a range of galvo scan heads for precision laser welding applications.

Common usages for these scanning heads include point-to-point positioning for multi-point welding, shape welding for hermetic seams, and beam weaving to increase weld width.

The galvo scan heads all feature advanced, intuitive software dedicated to welding, and a configurable pattern to adjust for part geometry and enhance weld performance. An integrated safety shutter ensures a safe work environment for operators.

The robust solutions are designed to work with lasers up to 3 kilowatts (kW) and field sizes up to 100 x 100 millimetres. Integrate with a linear stage motion to weld at different workpiece heights or add a wobble to linear motion for the accommodation of tolerances in fit-up for seam weld.

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