Dr Alex Karidis explains what you need to consider before a lockdown nose job

Last year, the ‘Zoom Boom’ phenomenon prompted a surge in demand for rhinoplasties, also known as nose jobs – as people were spending more time than ever scrutinising their faces due to regular attendance on video calls. Virtual conversations differ from in-person meetings, as you can see yourself while you talk, meaning attention can be drawn to your own insecurities via reflections that may appear low-quality or unflattering. 

With rhinoplasties on the rise, we asked London-based cosmetic surgeon, Dr Alex Karidis at Karidis Clinic, to weigh in on the trend and procedure.

How is rhinoplasty performed?

Rhinoplasty creates a more pleasing nasal appearance, and is one of the most common surgical procedures. Performed under general anaesthesia, the procedure itself is usually performed through small incisions made inside the nostrils. Having lifted the skin from the cartilage and bone, any undesired bumps are removed using a special chisel and the nasal bridge is narrowed. If breathing difficulties are being corrected, the septum will be adjusted. Also, the shape of the nasal tip is altered using internal stitches or existing cartilage, in order to keep the new profile in proportion. 

The reasons why you might be considering rhinoplasty

There are a range of concerns that people might have which could lead them to consider rhinoplasty, a common one being a humped nose that has a bump on the bridge, which can be surgically smoothed out by the procedure. 

It is also common to have concerns about a nose that is not positioned straight or centrally on the face, whether it is the result of genetics, an accident, or an illness. Other reasons include noses that look either too large compared to the rest of the facial features, or too small, as well as a misshapen nose tip or overly large nostrils.

How quickly will I see results?

You can expect to see the initial results within 3 weeks once swelling and bruising have minimised. After this, the appearance of your nose will continue to improve within 6 months. However, full healing can take up to one year, when the final results of a rhinoplasty come into fruition.

The different types of rhinoplasty

There are numerous ways to conduct rhinoplasty surgery. The least invasive type is a ‘closed rhinoplasty’, which only involves incisions being made inside the nostrils. A benefit of this is that scarring is well hidden, however it limits access to nasal structures during surgery. In comparison, ‘open rhinoplasty’ involves incisions across the columella between the nostrils as well as inside the nostrils, giving the surgeon full access to nasal structures.

3 top aftercare tips 

Some key things to incorporate into your aftercare shared by Romy Disler and Labhaoise Breslin, surgical nurses at Karidis Clinic, are:

Sleep with your head elevated

Sleeping with your head supported and elevated above the rest of your body will prevent your nose and the surrounding area from swelling, by stopping fluid from building up around the surgical site.

Use ice packs

Using ice packs or cold compresses also help reduce swelling by restricting blood flow to the sensitive areas and alleviate puffiness - this is especially important in the first few days after surgery when swelling is at its peak.

Keep your nose clean

Using saline spray to keep your nose clean will minimise the chance of infections in the area and help aid a smooth recovery process.

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