Nordic Life Science Days has announced that the region’s premier life sciences event is on course for record number of attendees.
With two and a half months to go, Nordic Life Science Days announced that the region’s life sciences event is already on course for record numbers.
The meeting has grown rapidly and is expecting more than 1000 delegates for the combined conference, partnering and exhibition that will be held at Stockholm’s Waterfront convention centre on September 9-10 2015.
Jonas Ekstrand, CEO SwedenBIO, the Swedish life science industry organization who founded the event three years ago, said: “For the growing number of international visitors in particular, Nordic Life Science Days showcases the wealth of collaboration, investment, research and manufacturing opportunities in the region.”
Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland continue to form one of the strongest life science hubs in both Europe and internationally. There have been public investments in research and translational infrastructure, as well as emerging companies in new areas such as personalized medicine, digital health and outcomes based provision.
During the past 1.5 years, 18 life science companies across all subsectors from medtech to biopharma have been listed on Nasdaq Nordic at a combined value of about €250 million.
Ekstrand said, “The growing interest we have seen, since NLSDays was organized for the first time, shows that the conference fills a major need, and it is particularly gratifying that interest from international players is so great.”
Last year, 28 countries were represented, there were over 7,000 meeting requests in the partnering system, and 1600 one-on-one meetings between companies and investors took place.
Ekstrand adds, “Making progress within life science today puts great demands on collaboration between large and small businesses, as well as between academia, industry, and health care. The Nordic region offers competitive environments for all parts of the value chain and Nordic Life Science Days has established itself to offer the best opportunity for meeting new potential partners from the region.”